The Beauty Around Me

I had a dinner party last week for my husband’s birthday.  Some family, some friends, and the usual, over the top, amazing spread of food.  Normally, for a group this size, I would put all the tables outside and enjoy dinner alfresco.  But on this occasion, the weather was threatening rain, and the winds were gradually picking up as the day went on.  I had to abandon all outdoor plans and move the party inside.  And, a loud, good time, was had by all.

After dinner, after dessert, we went outside into the back yard to relax and talk and take some pictures of the birthday MAN with the guests.  As I was getting ready to snap a shot, I realized that one of my little fruit trees was producing fruit! (Now, if only I could remember what kind of tree it was! Not sure if it is a peach or an apricot! I’ll just have to stay tuned to find out!)  Overnight, it seemed, my yard went from the dormant garden of sticks, to very welcome bursts of life and colors.  And, my red Japanese Maples just started to open their leaves, too!

Now, I was NOT gifted with my mother’s green thumb, so I am always a little bit amazed and proud of myself when plants end up being alive after winter.  And by proud of myself, I mean that when I wasn’t paying attention to them at all, my wonderful husband was out there still watering and caring for them every day. (Thanks, Honey! :)) No, my talent is more for growing and nurturing strong children, relationships, and happiness.

I wanted to take a brief moment to share with you some pictures of the new life around my home.  When you are done reading this and enjoying the pictures, take a moment to yourself and look around your own environment.  Has Spring arrived near you? Have you seen the finches nesting?  Are the Robin’s back in your area? Are the crocus peeking through the snow?

Spring is here.  Flowers are blooming everywhere.  Fruit is forming on my trees.  Birds are singing, and we are definitely getting those April Showers! I can’t wait to find out if I am getting apricots or peaches!  HAPPY SPRING!

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A Knitter’s Paradise!

As I’ve mentioned before, I am a knitter.  I am borderline obsessive….I LOVE yarn! Yes, in all caps, because I am yelling it from the top of my lungs!  I can’t make it in and out of a knitting shop without a bag filled with goodies and at least two new projects!

Well, recently I went back home to WI to visit my Mom and Dad.  It had been WAY too long since my last visit, and I was so full of anticipation…for a few reasons….Of course I was SO excited to see my parents and be back in that warm comforting home, where I grew up.  But, I also had a 4 hour flight in each direction.  That was a total of 8 uninterrupted hours of KNITTING! I happen to be working on a pretty major project (that did turn out BEAUTIFULLY!)  I would love to put a picture up and show you, but it is a gift for someone who reads this blog.  So pictures on this one will have to wait.  That being said, I knew I would be able to almost complete this project on the trip, and I was ready to begin the quest for the NEXT big exciting project!  Yes, I do still have the other 6 projects that I planned and purchased yarn for, but they are small easy projects…I wanted something BIGGER, something more challenging, and I wanted to make something for MYSELF!

Before I flew out to WI, I looked online to see what yarn stores were near my parents home.  Well, about 5 minutes from where I grew up, there was a cute little knitting store called Knitch.    It is located at 608 Milwaukee Street in Delafield.  The yarns were beautifully displayed, very nice selection and variety, and their samples were inspiring.  Here, as I obsessed over the amazing kaleidoscopic display, I decided that I would move away from my love affair with chunky yarns for awhile and go with superfine mohair/silk. (Although, I was VERY tempted with the LOCAL yarns they had.  I thought it was so cool that they had yarns that were both made and dyed right there in WI!) After taking in the entire shop, and admiring their very large group knitting area (which was about the same size as the sales floor itself) I purchased some new needles, (to replace the ones Samson, my Doberman, mistook for his chew sticks) a book of patterns and two skeins of mohair/silk yarn.  I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do with it all quite yet, but I was in love with the yarn!

One thing that many people know about me is I like to knit with multiple yarns together at the same time.  I love the multidimensional look it gives to my creations.  And it is an extra bonus when I find the perfect yarn with some form of bling! (Yes, sparkles make everything prettier!)  And, I decided that I wanted to find the perfect touch of sparkle to add into my new silk yarn.  And so, the search began!

Mom and I together (with my Dad waiting patiently in the car, reading) hit Michaels and JoAnn Fabrics, and as I expected, they had the same yarns as they had out here in CA.  Nice, but not what I was looking for.  But then, as we were leaving JoAnn’s, Mom asked one of the ladies if there were any other yarn stores around.  (You see, I found the one up the street from Mom and Dad before my trip, and I didn’t think to explore the surrounding area….)  The lady was nice enough to tell us that there was a store by a frozen custard shop up the street, but she didn’t think they had a very big selection.

Well, we drove around looking for it, and just when we resigned ourselves to just heading home for dinner,(it was St. Patricks Day, and we had a corned beef in the slow cooker waiting for us) we saw the frozen custard shop.  I don’t know if poor Dad’s ears have recovered from Mom and I  yelling “There it is!” in unison. River Boutique & Yarn, located at 18900 West Bluemound Road in Brookfield.  (262) 641-7427.

So we pulled into the lot, Dad pulled out his book and as I was getting out of the car, I said, “We’ll be back in about 5 minutes.”  I was not prepared for what came next! Little did I know I was about to die and go to heaven!

Check Out Their Website! –>(When you are done reading and you leave a comment!)      MAP

When I walked through the doors, I could feel the “goosies” all over! Pure joy! Knitting Mecca! The atmosphere was so warm and inviting.  A very Shabby Chic, eclectic, unexpected surprise!  Everywhere I looked, I saw something so different, unusual, and completely wonderful.  Intricate hand made scarves, made with the superfine mohair and silk (WITH the sequin thread I was looking for), a HUGE selection of buttons, pins and one of a kind fasteners for projects, the most wildly wonderful mannequin named MiMi, and unique jewelry made by local artists. Bes, the owner, and Taffnie, who was working there that day, were just about the sweetest people you would ever want to meet!  Not only is this a knitting store, but they also sell many of the items that they have patterns for in the shop.  Beautiful, handmade sweaters, shawls, scarves, hats, each more incredible than the last.


Come say hi to MiMi at River Boutique & Yarn in brookfield, WI.

Oh, and did I mention this was a knitting store? Did I mention the yarn?  It was more beautiful than any yarn store I have ever been in.  The displays were packed full of gorgeous yarns.  I have never seen such a large inventory of so many unique yarns all in one place! Everywhere I looked, I found inspiration for my next big projects! I felt like a kid in a candy store!

Needless to say, poor Dad waited longer than 5 minutes…and I found the inspiration I was looking for my next big project!  I left with 6 skeins of Noro yarn to make a long cardigan vest.  (I will insert here that I changed my pattern so I ended up calling and ordering 3 more skeins when I was back in CA.  They were delivered within 1 week! Great customer service!) As I mentioned earlier, they had that beautiful thread with sequins that I was looking for, so I took home 4 balls of that (Rozetti Cotton Gold), 2 more balls of the superfine spun heaven (Debbie Bliss Party Angel), and I just couldn’t leave without 4 balls of Diakeito, a wonderful multicolored Japanese yarn.

I have to say, anyone who is a knitter and happens to be within a 3 hour drive of this store, YOU MUST go! I honestly wish this store were by me, here in California.  If it were, I would be a regular! I would be there knitting a few times a week!  At least I can look forward to it now being a regular stop when I go back to WI to see Mom and Dad!  So, watch for my next post when I show you some of the amazing items I am creating with this LOVELY yarn! Happy Knitting!

Pillar or Pushover…. You Decide

Saw this painting in Palm funny because it reminded me of the mean girl! LOL!

Saw this painting in Palm funny because it reminded me of the mean girl! LOL!

I just had the funniest experience.  Well, to me it was funny….

Let’s take a look back to High School.  For some, it might send shivers down their back, remembering the awful, awkward times.  For some, it was their Glory Days.  For others, just a neutral passing of another 4 years of life.  And, for many, it was a combination of all of these.  I, personally, really enjoyed High School.  When I first went to Arrowhead, I was so scared.  I missed the first couple of days of school because I was traveling for Nationals.  When I arrived, cliques and alliances had been formed, and personal labels had been assigned.  (Remember? Preppies, Yuppies, Dirtbags, Loners, Jocks, etc.)  At the time, I was pretty overwhelmed…I wasn’t sure where I fit in.  But in hind site, that was a blessing because I was able to fly under the radar, so to speak, of social scrutinization.

For the first couple of years at school, I was always Chuck and Jim’s little sister.  That was my first name….really! And, I didn’t mind.  When it comes to brother’s, I have the best in the world.  I still think so! They were tall, handsome and smart.  They were nice to me 95% of the time….and the 5% when they weren’t I usually deserved it.  After all, I was the youngest! I had to stir the pot once in awhile!  And, a lot of Juniors and Seniors were super nice to me because they liked them.

First Chuck went off to Notre Dame.  I thought that was so exciting for him.  And, when he left, I kept my favorite GAP sweater from his closet, and quickly took over his bedroom.  It was,  3 times as big as my current one was! It wasn’t until Jim left home that it hit me that I was going to be the only child left at home for a few more years.  I have to admit, I was sad to not have my brothers there with me at home.  It was a tumultuous time in our family’s lives, and my brothers were my support system.  But, in those next two years, I developed so much inner strength…I identified some of my core values, I identified what I definitely did NOT want in my life, which in turn allowed me to focus on what I truly did want!

And in those years of growing, physically, emotionally, mentally, I did learn some very important life lessons.  Unfortunately, in today’s society, too many parents want to just be their child’s buddy instead of the guiding force that helps instill values of what is right vs. what is wrong.  They are afraid to discipline their children.  They are just so strictly supportive instead of telling them when they are making poor decisions.  This, unfortunately, is developing a generation of people who are going to grow up with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, a complete lack of empathy for others, an inability to choose right from wrong, or even an ability to identify what it is that they want to achieve in life.  Many will also have complete disregard for the environment and the greater good of the universe.  Why? Because everything has been handed to them on a platter.  They haven’t ever had to struggle of work for something.  And when that happens, they lose a sense of reality that there is life outside of their “bubble”.

Now some people, I know, will read that and think I am being completely harsh.  But I am writing completely from experience here.  As I said, I learned some very important lessons that I will carry with me forever.  The main one…is the Golden Rule! I was taught from a very early age to always treat other people the way YOU would like to be treated! And, from a very early age, I was very sensitive to people who were victim to people abusing their position of power and/or authority to serve only themselves.  I learned to see the good in people first, but to also be completely aware that not everyone was good.  It was a balance of naivety and realism.  (And that lesson was a life long one in which I am still improving on daily.) And, I learned to find the silver lining, or identify the lesson in the challenges life threw my way.

And, as an individual, as a strong, independent woman, as a wife, and as a mother, I pull on my life experience to continually try to be a better, more aware, more compassionate person.  I love that we have all of these social media outlets to reconnect with people from our pasts.  I love going on line to Facebook and seeing what my old grade school and high school friends are up to.  I love to see their families growing up.  I love that even though we might not be physically close to one another, we can still reach out and share our everyday joys, celebrations, sorrows, and prayers with each other.  And I love that the stupid “social stereotypes” that once haunted us growing up in grade school and high school, seemed to have disappeared as the reality of life has become the stronger guiding force in our lives.

Which brings me to the funny thing that happened to me! I had an interaction with a “person” that ticked me off.  Her behavior wasn’t directly disrespectful, but it was on the selfish and immature side.  Honestly, I  really didn’t care about what this person did to me personally, because honestly, we are merely acquaintances put into the same social setting because of our mutual friends.  But you see, because of my upbringing, and the whole Golden Rule thing, I feel one should treat their friends with a higher level of respect and kindness.  Well, I am a firm believer in “We teach people how to treat us” (another good juicy lesson learned from my amazing husband, John Santangelo, an NLP Master Trainer.) I have to say, my friends are such a unique, special group of people! There are none more caring and giving on this planet.  And, they are peacemakers, too, to the benefit of society.  I think I am pretty much of a peacemaker myself, but I will not put up with someone mistreating myself or others, whether passively or aggressively….especially when it comes to my friends and family!

So, I did what I needed to do.  I contacted the person privately and told her I didn’t think what she did was nice, it wasn’t how a friend should treat her friends, and I thought her behavior said something about her character as a person.  Mature? Could you handle it if someone spoke to you privately like this?  Well, this person couldn’t…and this is the funny part.  Because I am rather a new member to this group (even though I’ve been there for years now), she decided to take my private message to her public to the entire group of girls…It was like she reverted back to Mean Girls in high school, and needed the back up of her mean girl posse!  Call in the troops! There is someone here not falling into line behind me! This needs to be the “all about ME show!”

Well, the good news is while this person has been so stuck in her own world, (I’d like to say while the selfish B* had her head up her A*….but I am  a lady, so I won’t go there)  the rest of the world has evolved!  Most of us have grown and realized how completely UNimportant the drama that we lived with in school is in today’s world.  It really doesn’t matter.  I could go on and on here, but I think that sums it up!  Most of us grew up.  Some didn’t….but I don’t have to be friends with them.  I will be kind to them, but I don’t have to be their friend.

I do love my friends…and the good news is they love me, too! 🙂 I honestly think I have the best group of friends a girl could ever dream of having!  And they handled the mean girl just as I hoped they would.  They ignored her call to attack!  Their lack of response spoke volumes, and I couldn’t have been happier.  In the end,  I think they might have learned a bit more about me….I’m not a trouble maker.  I don’t try to stir the pot or cause drama for fun.  I will treat my friends (humans and animals in general) the way I would like to be treated.  I’m not a pushover, and I don’t take BS from other people.  I will stand up for the people I care about, and I will always give my honest opinion.  I am easy to read.  I am sensitive, but I am very strong.  At times I might be scared, but my inner strength will always conquer any fear.  (OK, unless it comes to spiders…but that is a completely different story.)

So what is the main lesson to come from this experience?  Be true to yourself.  Be good to yourself.  Be good to those around you.  Stand up for yourself.  Stand up for those around you.  Live your life with character, and your karma and your reputation will be in check and right.  Look at your own life.  Look at the people you love.  Look at the way you treat others.  Are you being the example that other’s would want to follow?  And if someone or something challenges you, are you going to be a pillar of strength?  Or will you be a pushover and give in to bullying….It is up to you!

Have you ever had a situation where someone has tried to push you around or bully you? How did you handle it? Are you happy with the results or would you try a different approach next time?  Leave a comment and tell me!

Grace Under Pressure

I think I must have been a medic in another lifetime.  I’m not exactly sure why, but I am very level headed in the face of crisis.  Once I saw a kid totally wipe out on their bike at the park.  Unfortunately, the poor kid’s face was very badly cut.  My instinct was to run and get my emergency kit from the car and immediately go to the child and stop the bleeding.  The child’s mom was a wreck.  Literally freaking out.  (I should mention that I knew the woman…our children went to the same preschool.)  I calmly told her to go and get her car and drive it up to the front of the park and load the bike and call her doctor to let them know she was on her way and request a plastic surgeon if one was available.  I finished cleaning up and bandaging up the little boy, who I was able to calm down and get laughing in a matter of minutes, as his mom loaded everything into the car.  I gave the mom a hug, helped her get her son in the car and asked her if she needed anything else. She then rushed her son off to the doctor’s office.

After that day, I didn’t see her for about 2 weeks.  Then I ran into her at Bed Bath & Beyond.  She had tears in her eyes as she thanked me for helping her in her crisis.  She said she didn’t know what she would have done if I hadn’t been there.  I know what she would have done! She would have done the exact same thing! Maybe in just a slightly more frazzled way.  (We are Mom’s….we take care of and protect our children!) But it made me feel so good to know that I helped her to feel more calm and in control of her situation…AND I was able to help her son calm down instead of possibly feeling the frantic fear of his mom’s energy at that moment.

In my own life, these types of things come in waves.  Surgeries, car accidents, things that may require trips to the ER…(Remember, I do have 2 sons, so I always have to be prepared for that!) These trials and crisis happen.  And even if the entire event is out of my control, I can ALWAYS be in control of how I respond.  And, in turn, my calming energy can have a positive effect on those around me in the situation.   It’s kind of like what Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer, says about training his dogs.  They sense the energy and emotion we have.  If we are calm, they will in turn be more calm.  The same holds true with people!  Think about it.

My AMAZING husband is an NLP Master Practitioner and a Clinical Hypnotherapist.  He taught me something I absolutely LOVE! The phrase “You are bathing my neurology with your language.”  This is so important to remember! How we speak to others (as well as the use of our body language) will directly effect that person’s neurology! That’s pretty huge! In crisis, we can help people slow and control their breathing, speak to them in a slow and loving voice that brings them comfort.  We can do this with our children, with the bumps and bruises of youth.  We can do this for others in times of sickness, worry or heartache.  We can do this for a community by example with how we conduct ourselves and treat every person with whom we come into contact!  AND, if you think you aren’t calm under pressure, try it on yourself! The next time you feel your heart rate rising, your palms sweating and your mind racing, give yourself a quick time out.  Tell yourself: “Breathe.  Everything is going to be OK here.”  When you are in control of that emotional energy, you are in control of your life!  You will be able to respond (as opposed to just reacting) to anything life throws your way.  You will make better decisions for yourself.  You will see that when you can control your own emotional response in situations, you can also help to teach others how to do the same! Then, you, too, can show incredible grace under pressure!

Passion or Obsession?

Sometimes it is unclear where the line of passion stops and obsession begins…want to know one of my little secrets? It’s a doozy! I LOVE yarn.  OK, I admit it. It’s good to have it out in the open.  I guess that’s the first step to recovery, right? Or, possibly it is a welcome to anyone else who shares the same passion (obsession) to join me in some crazy yarn shopping! I LOVE going into different stores…seeing how the yarns are displayed…touching them all to find the softest, most snuggly yarns I can find…and I MUST get them! For what? Well, I used to power out baby sweaters, blankets, hats and booties.  Now it’s mostly just scarves and beanies.  But if I do see a yarn and I get that feeling…you know…”Wouldn’t that make the most precious ballerina sweater for a baby girl?” Well, I get it…and I make it…..and then I give it away to someone who has a baby girl…or knows someone who has a baby girl….Because what else am I going to do with it?  Well, now I am sitting on the mother load of scarves and a few extra beanies…and probably a good 75 extra skeins of yarn.  AND, I can’t wait to go discover some new yarn shops in new towns! I am going to attach a few links of some of my favorite yarn stores.  If you know some others, please feel free to add the link in your comments, because I would LOVE to check them out! I admit it…I’m like a total kid in a candy store when I go into a yarn store…..I know that I will get hours of entertainment, and someone will end up with an awesome, one of a kind, hand made gift! This is the store where I learned to knit! Eva, the owner is a wonderful woman.  You can go and knit at the store….they have classes and are always more than willing to answer any questions!


My California Boys

What a fun morning! One of my favorite hobbies is photography.  And, my sons are my favorite subjects! I recently saw a great place where I was looking forward to taking some pictures.  My oldest was all to happy to show off his swag…After the photo shoot the boys had fun on their skateboards and scooters.  These shots were taken on my Canon 40D.  I also use a Canon Power Shot SX110IS as a back up.  Here are some of the results!

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What A Nice Surprise

Yesterday was for me, THE day to clean…You know…all the bathrooms, floors, about 10 loads of laundry, kitchen, dishes, etc.  It was one of those days that I knew at least 6 to 7 hours were going to be dedicated strictly to cleaning.  Blaahhh!  So as the kids and I were driving home from some morning errands, I was prepping them for what needed to be accomplished for the day.

And, to my amazement, when I said I was cleaning the bathrooms, my youngest said, “Hey, Momma! I want to use the brush thing that swirls in the toilet! I want that to be my job!” ( Be still my heart!)

“What, Monkey? You want to clean the toilets?”

“Yes! I want that to be my job! And I also want to scrub the bathtub!”

OK, so as you can imagine, I was doing the major TOUCHDOWN dance in my head.  Here I actually had a child who was volunteering to clean my bathrooms? I tell you what…with two sons and a husband…that was a no brainer for me!

So when we got home, we put on our “cleaning clothes” and got to work.  Cooper volunteered to clean the bedroom…make sure all the clothes were neatly put away, and sneak a hokey game in here and there on the Wii when we weren’t looking.  (Ahhhh, teenagers!)

Corbin and I got the rubber gloves on and went to work.  I showed him with the first bathroom how to clean the whole thing…inside and out…and the floor, too.  (Remember…me and all boys and my MAN.) I took care of the counters, sinks and mirrors. When we were almost all done…and he was in the bathtub scrubbing away…he said he also wanted to vaccuume.   I admit it…I felt a little pang of guilt because he had already been so sweet and helpful! But he insisted! (He was actually upset when I let (asked? told? made?) Cooper do the downstairs! )

My little sweetie did such an amazing job! And, I have to say, the housework was done by 1:00! After rewarding the boys with a hearty lunch of home made turkey sloppy joes and cole slaw, I took Cooper to skateboard with friends, and Corbin and I hit Michaels to pick up some fun projects.  And, a few packs of glow sticks.  Best four dollars I ever spent!  He was thrilled!

Last night when I was tucking Corbin in to bed, I told him again how much I appreciated all of his help with the house cleaning.  He said he liked that we could do projects together. (Awww!) Then he said, “Momma, this is just like getting ready for nap time, but it’s really dark!” And with that, he drifted off to dreamland.  And, I was quick to follow!

Today is a new day.  We had cinnamon sticky buns for breakfast, and I just discovered that Samson (our dog….AKA The Terrorist) just found the basket of random socks from laundry yesterday (and the last six months).  There isn’t much left except about a million threads all over the carpet again.  Hmmm…I wonder if Corbin still feels like vacuuming?

YOU Are Amazing!

Hey, You! Yes, YOU…the one reading this right now….Do you FULLY realize just how AMAZING you are?  You are such a unique person with all sorts of wonderful talents! And you know what? You are going places in this life! You know why? I BELIEVE in YOU! And I know you are capable of GREATNESS!  And, very soon, everyone around you is going to see it, too!  You will show them! People will see you working hard to follow your passion, living your dream! And, then they will learn your secret:  When you are working toward your passion, it really isn’t WORK! It’s FUN! And they will want to have that same joy in their lives.  They will want to be more like YOU!  Now, isn’t that validating?

Please take a few minutes to watch this video called VALIDATION.  I first saw it about a year ago…I watch it every month, and I try to share it with as many people as I can! It perfectly captures how a little positive validation can go a LONG way to make someone’s day! Watch it.  I know YOU will love it as much as I do! Because YOU are a pretty special person, too! 🙂

You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Now I know what you are thinking…”I’ve heard this before! And No, my husband STILL leaves the toilet seat up!” Well, I can’t help you out with this one. At least that isn’t what this article is about.  It’s actually about ME! (This is one of the fun things about blogging.  It is one of the few times in my life where my world can revolve solely around me! Lol)

Have you ever had that inner awakening…something gnawing at your insides telling you it is time for a change? When you get that gut feeling, you know the tides of change are coming, and it’s up to you to figure out how to navigate through the changing currents.  Sometimes that’s pretty difficult to do, especially when you aren’t sure WHY you are getting that feeling.  What do you do? Well, first you have to figure out WHAT needs to change.  Sometimes it is pretty obvious, like you need to earn more money, or you need to make a change in your relationship.  Other times it might take weeks of prayer and inner reflection to truly find what is at the heart of that nagging feeling you have in the pit of your stomach.

Well, I’ve had that feeling a few times in my life.  And the inner discomfort has led me through some of the darkest and hardest times in my life; but it has also brought me to some of my greatest joys and personal growth.  I needed to be open to the fact that change, for me, wasn’t always the easiest option.  But, with the love and support of my family and my truest friends, I was able to maintain and build my faith and surprise not only myself, but also those around me with my resilience and strength.  Not only did I survive change, I dominated it!

You see, I moved in with my boyfriend when I was 18 years old.  Even before the wedding, I had people telling me that it would never work.  They said we just weren’t made for each other.  To me, they might as well have said that they triple dog dared me to see how long I could make it work.  Well, by the time it was all said and done, I had given it my best for 20 years.  When it finally became painfully evident that the end was drawing near, and I couldn’t ignore it anymore, it was decision time.  No matter what happened from here, my life was going to change in MAJOR ways.

I had been a stay at home mom with my sons for 10 years.  I had left my career aspirations behind to raise my children and take care of my family.  It is a choice I do not regret for a minute.  I have the two most wonderful children in the world and I love them with all my heart and soul.  Even when they are bickering non-stop (let’s face it…. everyone has their moments), I thank God every day for blessing me with them.  Well, suddenly I found myself in a position of needing to find: a car, a full time job, and a place for my sons and I to live. And, it all happened within about 1 week time.  It was pressure like I had never felt.  I was a ball of sadness, anger, fear, and at the same time, optimism, all rolled up.  I had no choice but to recreate myself.  It was time to put the big girl panties on and MAKE life work! There wasn’t any other option!

I did what any other person in my shoes would have done…got the instant paycheck with a job at the local mall.  Making just the bare minimum, living in a little apartment with my boys, I began to appreciate this change.  I wasn’t living in the past, filled with regret or resentment.  Rather, I embraced the fact that I was living my life on my own terms.   I was gaining strength to fight the battles I needed to, and inner peace to let go of anything that could keep me from growing, with my children, to a much happier, more genuine ME!

So, going back to work outside the home was a very new experience for me.  I did the retail thing as long as I could stand it. But when you have a pot smoking teenager who show up to work drunk as your manager and then blames you for her incompetence…well, the REAL job search began in earnest. (And, no, Danielle, I don’t mean you.  You were a DREAM to work with!)  I spent hours every night after the kids were tucked in pouring through job listings on the various websites.  I realized that I had lost all of my “street cred”, so to speak, by taking time off to raise my children.  My previous experience no longer applied in today’s market.  I sent out hundreds of applications, and finally landed a great job with a wine and spirits distribution company.  I loved being able to travel from place to place.  I worked with so many great people! I loved that I could start and end my days early so I could pick up the kids from school every day and make home cooked meals for them each night.

Well, the job, being as physical as it is, has caught up with me.  So now I am in that position of once again feeling that stirring within me…asking me, what do I want to do when I grow up? What is going to happen now? Well, dealing with doctors, insurance companies, and big companies, a lot of it is out of my hands.  But that doesn’t mean that I am helpless to take charge and continue to improve my life.  I am taking this time that I am unable to work to expand my knowledge of computers, web design, and video editing.  Yes, there is a lot of school for me right now.  No use wasting my time.

God presents us with situations in our lives.  Sometimes they seem too overwhelming.  I think back to the quote by Mother Theresa “God won’t give me anything I can’t handle.  I just wish he didn’t have so much faith in me.”  God has presented me with a circumstance.  I can allow life to happen TO me….or, with His grace, I can rise to the challenge and make life even better for myself, my family, friends, and anyone I come into contact with.  That is exactly what I intend to do! And, I have to admit, I like it when I impress myself with what I am learning! Computers, web design, all of these programs, they all seemed so very foreign to me just a few months ago.  And now, here I am designing websites for people! A year ago…even 6 months ago, I wouldn’t have ever thought this possible.  But guess what?  It end’s up you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!